Network Design.

EFN is an active network of funders committed to connecting, learning, and taking action together – for impact. EFN’s network is designed to create structures that enable network members to connect with each other, draw out the collective experience, and share expertise. This network and its members are resilient, responsive to opportunities, and intentional about the integration of diverse perspectives and what that diversity makes possible.

At the heart of EFN are relationships, and the trust upon which they are built. In that spirit, EFN members embrace their opportunity and responsibility to invest in EFN. They support and nurture the network by making new introductions, deepening existing connections, sharing knowledge, and contributing financially to ensure that EFN and the network thrive.

Conditions that must be in place for the success of EFN’s network design include:

  • Community: Maintaining a culture of openness, commitment to each other and EFN’s purpose, and collaboration

  • Commitment: Comprehensively understanding and applying learnings

  • Respect: Articulating and respecting values, motivations, and definitions of success

  • Action: Pledging to act together to further EFN’s vision and ecosystem needs

  • Connection: Investing resources into intentionally weaving connections

As an active network for impact, EFN’s programming and activities will be emergent, agile, and dependent on funder members’ engagement, energy, and resources. EFN members bravely raise both unique and communal questions, initiating opportunities for exploration and experimentation and advancing collective action. Agendas that emerge from this questioning and exploration are owned, championed, and advanced by members who are in regular contact with the network as active stewards and supporters.

If you are a funder of entrepreneurship, we invite you to join the network to experience all that can be made possible.