Annual EFN Convening.

“If you're funding entrepreneurship at any level, this is the room you need to be in. Members are open to learning together and from one another, honest conversations are the norm, and passion for the power of entrepreneurship comes through at every turn.”

- Allie Ottoboni, eBay Foundation

2024 EFN Convening

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2024 EFN Convening in Baltimore. It is your passion for building vibrant and equitable entrepreneurial ecosystems that transforms this gathering, and our network, into a hub of unique potential. We appreciate you sharing your ideas, your wisdom, and creating space for brave exploration of what can be made possible for entrepreneurs when we come together with shared intention. We look forward to building on these connections, learnings, and a strong momentum toward collaborative action.

We extend deep gratitude to our sponsors - eBay Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and Surdna Foundation - for their support and partnership in bringing this event to life.

Download the 2024 EFN Convening Report to explore insights from convening programs and co-design sessions, along with emerging opportunities with potential for collective action.

Access our 2024 EFN Convening photo albums using the buttons below!

Enjoy an album of coverage from our photography partner, Naaman Brown; an album of images from Peter Durand, our graphic scribe partner from dpict; and an album to upload your own convening photos so others can delight in them too.

2023 EFN Convening

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 EFN Convening!

The 2023 EFN Convening was designed with thoughtful intention and recognized as an opportunity to test and build on insights we’ve garnered from our network members.

Honoring an expressed desire to move EFN into an network for impact that connects, learns, and acts together; each segment of the event was carefully crafted to further these aspirations.

Download the full report to read more about EFN’s approach to convening design. Plus, you can catch a glimpse of some of the new programs EFN is piloting for network members, inspired by insights from the convening.