Member Investment in EFN.

A healthy network for impact – which is what you and I want for EFN – requires diverse revenue streams. There are three primary ways to make a financial investment in EFN.

Minimum Annual Investment

All funders joining EFN are asked to make a minimum annual investment in the network. This annual payment is based on your previous years’ grantmaking budget. The membership year follows EFN’s fiscal year, running from July 1 – June 30. For funders joining the network for the first time part-way through a membership year, fees are prorated.


Grantmaking Budget Annual Minimum
< $5,000,000 $2,500
$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 $5,000
$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 $10,000
≥ $50,000,000 $12,500

For conversations about joining EFN and your minimum annual investment please contact Ify Aduba at

General Operating and Program Grants

EFN welcomes a conversation with funders about what it would take to successfully award a general operating or program grant to the network. General operating support enables EFN to maintain flexibility and adaptability in decision-making. Program grants provide valuable resources to ensure the advancement of specific projects. Funders making a general operating or program grant award to EFN that exceeds their minimum annual investment are granted complimentary membership for the grant award year.

For conversations about exploring a general operating or program grant for EFN, please contact Ify Aduba at


EFN hosts an annual in-person convening for funders and other entrepreneurial ecosystem partners. This unique gathering strives to create brave space for funders to connect with each other, broadly share ideas, explore questions and curiosities particular to their role as funders, and co-create new initiatives. After having the opportunity to connect with each other, other ecosystem partners are invited into the learning environment, helping to build a fuller picture and deeper understanding of how equitable entrepreneurial ecosystems are functioning or might be improved. Sponsorship of this and any other in-person gathering that EFN might host is designed to ensure that connection, learning, and co-creation remain the primary focus.


Sponsorship Level Benefit(s)
$2,500 1 event registration
$5,000 2 event registrations
$10,000 4 event registrations
$20,000 8 event registrations

All sponsors will be recognized in pre- and post-event emails, the event program, and the event report. EFN welcomes conversation about sponsoring specific event components, including but not limited to, receptions, meals, tracks, transportation, or more. Sponsors who do not plan to use all of their available registrations are encouraged to inform EFN and donate those registration to covering the cost of invited ecosystem partners or guests.

For conversations about event sponsorship, please contact Ify Aduba at