Community of Practice.

EFN’s communities of practice make a longer term commitment (one year or more). They come together monthly to support collaboration, cultivate integrated learning and sharing, and encourage the promotion of promising practices. They create space for members to solve challenges, explore possibilities, and identify opportunities for collaboration around purposeful actions that develop tangible results. The focus of a community of practice will be identified and/or championed by an EFN funder member(s). Communities of practice may share their progress or learnings with the network through a variety of mediums and vehicles.

If you are interested in joining a Community of Practice, or if you have an idea for a Community of Practice, please reach out to EFN using the button below.

Youth Entrepreneurship Community of Practice

Youth entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education map a path to effective learning and skill development, motivation, community and economic engagement, and development of such success-oriented attitudes as initiative, intelligent risk-taking, opportunity recognition, and collaboration. Beyond benefiting academic performance, such skills can help later in life. EFN convenes members to examine the field of youth entrepreneurship; seek, share, and build knowledge about how best to impact the field; and explore the possibility and potential of collaborative action. The community of practice:

  • Builds a community of funders with shared interest in youth entrepreneurship,

  • Comprehensively examines the field of youth entrepreneurship, sharing knowledge and identifying gaps and opportunities, and

  • Explores what collaborative action might make possible and what it would take to engage in such action(s).

If you are a funder who is interested in joining the Youth Entrepreneurship Community of Practice, please reach out to EFN using the button below.